2020 Youth Climate Summit

From 9th - 13th November, PPL PWR took part in the Youth Climate Summit, a week-long virtual festival coordinated by charity Global Action Plan and a team of dedicated teachers.

Young people are at the forefront of climate action. Source:

Global Action Plan

Involving schools from all around the UK, the summit - which took place during what would have been the week of COP26 - hosted 163 free online talks, panel discussions and workshops from 90 supporting organisations. Throughout the summit, members of PPL PWR ran events on a variety of themes including environment, sustainability and energy, such as:

Hydrogen: Green Fuel of the Future: Josh Bailey demonstrated the potential of hydrogen fuel cells within the future green economy, looking specifically at hydrogen’s safety, use in electric vehicles and the steel industry.

Terrariums: How to create small scale ecosystems: Natacha Madaule presented the art of terrarium building, using it as a tool to explain what an ecosystem is, how it works, and the importance of protecting nature and biodiversity.

The Great Green Game:ccc Katya Lukina ran a sustainability quiz for all ages.

Charged and Ready: Rebecca Shutt led an online workshop looking at how we can energize the UK, thinking specifically about how batteries can support renewable energy and assist in the transition to a sustainable energy economy.

Ingredients to make change: Anna Hands talked about evidence, persistence and empathy; the three most important ingredients for changing people’s minds and behaviour to build a greener, more sustainable future.

Careers panel: Lauren Uba, Rebecca Shutt and Bernardo Maza, our specialists from the sustainability sector, took part in a careers panel where they discussed their work in the sustainability field and their passion for it.

Following the culmination of this creative and fruitful week, the highlights of which you can check out here, the Youth Climate Summit published five Youth Climate Calls destined for politicians and world leaders:

We hope these calls are listened to and are optimistic we will be able to re-iterate them in person next year at COP26.  


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