Sketching - St Paul's Way Trust

Pens and pencils at the ready, we jumped straight into our sketching workshop.

First of all, we wanted to test their current sketching skills so we gave the teams funky 3D-printed objects to draw. The students discussed the strengths and weaknesses of their individual initial drawings but they had one thing in common – they were drawings rather than sketches.

What’s the difference? We explained how sketching for design is different to drawing for aesthetics. Sketching is to explain your product, rather than look exactly like it will in real life. 

We got started by encouraging the use of strong lines – lots of connect the dots! 

Then we moved onto drawing squares and cubes using 2 – point perspective:

From there we could move onto drawing circles and cylinders from our base squares and cubes. 

We were now ready to have a go at sketching the 3D-printed objects again – a good improvement! 

We discussed how this technique of breaking down complex objects into squares and cubes can help them when they want to present their product ideas through sketching and it was already 5pm! 

Next up – they can put down the pencils for a mouse in the computer assisted design workshop!


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Green Man 2019